Alternative fuels
for running cars and other vehicles are directly available to the popular.
David Ewing Duncan, contributing editor to Conde Nast, writes about algae and its viability as a biofuel. He states, "Unlike corn-based ethanol, which takes almost as much energy to make as it produces and does little to curb CO2 emissions, algae can be produced more efficiently and absorbs about as much carbon dioxide as it emits."Alternative fuels are power sources that can be used in dwelling of petroleum-based fuels. Three of these alternatives are biodiesel, electricity and ethanol. These three alternative fuels are currently available to the consumer. Consumers, though, must enjoy vehicles that can gallop on one of these fuels.
Biodiesel is made from vegetable oils and animal fats. It is biodegradable, nontoxic and burns Disinfected, which method it does not constitute greenhouse gasses.
Electricity can be used for electric cars. These cars allure their electrical store from existing capacity grids.
Ethanol is mythical from corn and/or other plant incident, and so is derived from a quick-growing renewable resource.
The substances needed to generate biodiesel and ethanol can be obtained or grown in the USA, also as many other countries throughout the apple. Both fuels, also as electricity, can be produced locally for general consumption.
Eliminating the entail to export fuels for vehicles eliminates the reward of export and the fuel consumption needed to transport fuel.
Applicability of alternative fuels for vehicles reduces greenhouse Gauze emissions, thereby reducing the threat to human health and to the Earth.
Huge amounts of land must be devoted to growing crops to produce ethanol. One acre of corn may yield eight barrels of ethanol. Each barrel yielded requires approximately 700 gallons of water. Therefore, the cost of producing ethanol in terms of land and water must be weighed against the benefits of its use.
However one of the obstacles to alternative fuels is compatibility with existing vehicles. Most vehicles are designed to flow on the petroleum-based product noted as petrol. Petrol produces pollution, nevertheless, and its utilize is growth linked with depletion of the ozone layer and the greenhouse development.
Alternative fuels available to the public are likely to continue to expand as more sources for fuel are explored. Automakers, to outlive, will need to expand their product lines to include biofuel-compatible vehicles besides as electric and hybrid cars.