Disinfected a Jeep Cherokee IAC
The Jeep Cherokee Unused Air Domination (IAC) valve regulates the vehicle's indolent. When the valve gets clogged with dirt, your Jeep could suffer from low idling, which is considered 900 RPMs or less, or it could stall. Happily, the IAC is manageable to fix, evident to remove and elementary To cleanse so buying a contemporary valve is scarcely elementary. Pull the IAC out of the throttle body.3. Pull the wiring harness off the IAC.
It has a wiring harness connected to it and is secured to the throttle body by two screws. It is round, fabricated of metal and has a series of eight numbers printed on the side in white ink.
2. Remove the two screws that secure the IAC to the throttle body with a screwdriver. You should be able To cleanse your IAC in conscientious a infrequent minutes.
1. Allot the IAC on the back of the throttle reason housing.4. Spray the IAC with throttle body cleaner and scrub it clean with a toothbrush.
5. Replace the IAC onto the throttle body, secure it with the two screws then plug the wiring harness back into the IAC.