Friday, December 19, 2014

Pack An Urgent Situation Package For That Vehicle

Provided you're allied many body politic, you probably return your automobile into the garage for a tune-up or oil convert prior to a bull Journey. While this is a great form to assure your safety on the method, you should as well be persuaded that your automobile is fine stocked with supplies in the point of an emergency. Creating an emergency implements for your vehivle is light and may save your growth while travelling.


1. Create a elementary support implements that includes the following items: bandages, latex gloves, safety pins, soap, sunscreen, sterile gauze pads, sterile roller bandages, non-prescription drugs, scissors, tweezers, needle and thread, antiseptic, thermometer, petroleum jelly, moistened towlettes, triangular bandages and tongue blades.

2. Include basic car repair items, such as a set of jumper cables, a tool kit, tire chains, small shovel, ice scraper, a brush, can for fixing flat tires and extra washer fluid.

3. Bring a supply of water in the amount of 1 gallon per person.4. Take an extra set of clothing, a waterproof or heavy coat and waterproof boots for each person traveling.5.

Also pack a supply of non-perishable food. Buy freeze-dried food packets at a camping store. Pack a can opener for canned goods.

Add a list of important emergency numbers. Include numbers for doctors, family members and the auto club. Also include membership numbers, phone numbers for credit cards and serial numbers for medical devices.

6. Include basic survival equipment, including flashlight, compass, utility knife, battery powered radio, batteries and flares.

7. Pack blankets or sleeping bags for a winter climate. Leave room for some abrasive or melting material such as sand or salt to receive out of a slippery situation.