The SR22 is a filing issued to the Office of Engine vehicles by insurance companies to certify that a Chauffeur has Car insurance coverage.In some states, when a driver is caught driving without insurance, the state may suspend his or her driver's license. When this occurs, the driver is required to file an SR22 with the BMV to restore his or her driving privileges.Unpaid Child Support
Many states will suspend a driver's license for unpaid child support.
The SR22 is generally filed electronically by insurance companies. There are several scenarios that may cause a driver to need a SR22.
Driving Without Insurance
In some cases, the SR22 is required in order to reinstate driving privileges.
License Suspensions for DUIs
Drivers who have had multiple DUI violations may have their licenses suspended. An SR22 could be required for reinstatement under this scenario.
Manually Filing the SR22
Most insurance companies file the SR22 electronically, which can take several days. Drivers in need of rapid reinstatement can take a hard copy of the filing to their local BMV's reinstatement office.
The State's Monitoring Program
The SR22 is an administrative document that permits the BMV to monitor insurance compliance for a specified time period. When a policy with a SR22 lapses, the BMV will suspend the driver's license until coverage resumes.