Vehicles are titled and registered to one man when the automobile is purchased. The term is supposed to result the van wherever it goes, whether it changes hands, and is used as a plan to prove the van's novel. Titles are again used to prove ownership and show that the machine is not stolen. Sometimes for ideal elderly cars or repossessed cars the reputation Testament be mislaid due to shoddy inscribe affliction or other extenuating circumstances. On the other hand one can usually easily and painlessly excite the honour replaced. There is a minor cost and a rare forms to fill elsewhere, on the contrary other than that you are congenial to go. If you live in Alabama and need to replace a title for your car, follow these state-specific steps.
1. Visit the site listed in resources and print off the application for the replacement title form (Form MVT-12-1). Have your vehicle information handy (this includes VIN number, make, model and year).
2. Fill out the form with all of the information on your vehicle. Be sure to include a legitimate reason for reapplying for a title. Await your title to arrive in the mail. Your case will be reviewed and if awarded the new title will arrive in the mail. However, you will receive a letter of declination if your case is not awarded. You will then need to wait to reapply or determine if there is an outstanding lien on your vehicle or not (the letter will give you a reason for the declination).
Mail the form and a $15 cashier's check or money order to: Alabama Department of Revenue, Motor Vehicle Division-Title Section, P.O. Box 327699, Montgomery, AL 36132-7699.3.