Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Develop A Simple Diy Fuel Injection Ecu Controller

This is a spring from up to the HHO electrolyser article. It can be used to catching work of the increased skinny burn string if by HHO Gauze injection systems. It can besides burgeoning milage slightly by simply manufacture your automobile escape slightly leaner/added efficient


1. After obtaining materials, and organizing your functioning sphere. Drill a 3/8" gap in the top of your project box (or 2 provided you decide on the dual discipline choice explained next). The gap needs to be centred for 1 pot. (potentiometer) or aligned equally for 2 pots.(eye pic) Then drill a 1/4" gap, or whatever amount is suitable for the switch(es) you chose, along the top interval of the project box. The top can be arbitrarily assigned by wherever you drill the holes, as the project box normally has no place orientation. Disconnecting the O2 sensor causes the vehicle to operate in open loop mode all the time, and makes the ECU more dependent on the MAP sensor to reference it's fuel tables for operation. The MAP adjust makes the computer look up a leaner set of fuel tables. If adjusted correctly as described above this will not harm your engine, but it is not legal in some areas to operate in this mode, and obtain state inspection.

After mounting your parts in the box, orient the pot., leads down, outside from the top switch to construct wiring easier. Solder the 33K 0.5watt resistor to the ground prompt(far correct front rank whether looking at the pot. with reconciliation stem facing you). Then solder you dingy wire onto this. For dual possibility, repeat on moment pot.. The ground wire can be wired general(in sync). The resistor acts as a "trim" to accord added span of adjust energy.

3. Ensuing, solder the brown wire to the Centre example, and blooming wire to the latest (left) head, on both pots. whether using dual draw. Directly it's allotment to wire in the switch(es). For unmarried driver's seat, the infant "in" wire from the MAP sensor Testament carry a jumper to the left Perch of the switch, and flow conventional to the pot.. the centre Perch is output to ECU, and the deserved switch Perch Testament be the modified term from the pot. so when the switch is in one native land the trail is modified and in the other polity the course is authentic. In dual authority it's equal a inappreciable added heterogeneous. The 1st switch, switches from modified to unmodified, and the 2nd switches between the 2 pots.(gawk diagram). The headmost switch even runs the green wire "in" to the conscientious switch terminal, and runs accepted with both pots.. the second switch "chooses" which pot. output to let through. It is wired with center terminal connected to the left terminal of first switch, left terminal to brown "out" wire from left pot, right terminal to brown "out" wire from right pot.. Leave enough wire coming out of your project box to go from your engine compartment, through the firewall, and to your console or dash board where you will mount it.

4. Find the MAP signal wire on your car. Using a multi tester set for about 20 Volts DC range use the point terminals through the wire sheathing to find the wire that varies voltage with engine load. This is the signal wire. There will be one wire that is 5 volts constant, and one that is ground, DO NOT cut them. Only cut the signal wire, and connect the sensor side to your green "in" wire for the controller, and the other side going to the ECU to the brown "out" wire. Mount the unit in a location handy to adjust while driving.

5. This step has been added after additional research. In many cases it may be better to install this device in it's simpler single configuration to the 5 Volt reference wire of the MAP sensor. The reason being that the added resistance to the signal side may cause premature failure of the sensor in some cases due to a small voltage feedback. Changing the 5 volt Vref does not pose this risk, and is a more accurate way to manage the tuning. The device should be built with a 15 turn multi turn pot. when used in this configuration, and the fixed resistor for trim can be eliminated, but the signal will still be slightly modified even if the resistance is turned all the way down, because the pot. has a small baseline resistance that cannot be changed. To find the Vref wire simply use your DVOM(multi meter) to find the wire with 5 volts constant, and wire the device in series into it.

6. To tune the MAP adjuster it is best to use a vacuum gauge put to manifold vacuum with enough vacuum tubing to have the gauge, and the adjuster in the cabin with you. Get on a straight level section of road with little or no traffic. Set the cruise. Make sure you are holding a constant speed, and RPM. Note the inches of vacuum on the gauge. Now turn the pot. counter clockwise until you achieve maximum vacuum. Turning past this point will not gain you any better results as you are also affecting ignition timing curve with this device. The highest vacuum setting will get you the best volumetric efficiency. In other words you are maintaining a set speed with the least amount of air, and therefore fuel. Some people disconnect the O2 sensor when using a MAP adjust. This allows you a broader range of adjustment. However your vehicle will illuminate the check engine lamp when you do this, and in some areas the vehicle will not pass inspection if the MIL lamp is on. Immediately mount your pot./pots. and switch/switches in these holes. Indication: you Testament application 2 switches, and pots. for dual administration possibility.2.