Plastic bumper covers are used on many existing cars. The actual bumper is an unattractive square-shaped bar that is welded to the frame of the vehicle. Foam or rubber wrapping is attached to the bumper and a plastic bumper comprehend fits over it to back the flow and shape of the vehicle. The plastic news is challenging to dent, nevertheless when dents come off, you can place them with materials from an Car parts store.
1. Sand the dent and 3 inches encircling the absent of the dent with 220-grit sandpaper. Sand until the gloss is away and you observe the plastic under.
2. Scoop away Sufficiently reason filler to fill the dent and city it on a palette. Add a inadequate limit of hardener. The ratio is one 3-inch edge of hardener for every golf-ball-sized dimensions of filler. Advantage the squeegee to thoroughly alloy them until the filler is a solid colour.
3. Sand the filler with 220-grit sandpaper on a sanding block. Grasp the sanding block Apartment lodgings against the bumper and sand until the filler is smooth and constant with the surface of the bumper.5. Compass masking tape and paper enclosing the field that you sanded.
Fill the dent with the body filler and smooth it with the squeegee. The surface of the filler should be slightly higher than the surrounding surface of the bumper. Let the filler dry for 30 minutes to an lifetime, or until it is completely difficult and dry.4.
Adjust definite all areas with gone emulsion are exposed and not covered with tape or paper.
6. Wipe the area with wax-and-grease remover and a microfiber towel. Let the area dry for 5 minutes.
7. Spray primer over the area. Hold the sprayer 10 inches from the surface. Move your hand left and right, not up and down or around. Let the first coat dry for 10 minutes before spraying a second coat. Let the second coat dry for 30 minutes.
8. Apply four thin coats of paint over the dried primer. Let each coat dry for 5 minutes before applying the next coat. Keep the coats thin enough so the paint doesn't run. Let the final coat dry for six hours before touching the paint.