Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Use A Bov

A BOV Testament vent boost to atmosphere between shifts.

A blow-off valve (BOV) is a Slogan that vents firm turbo impact when the throttle plate is closed during shifts. While a bypass valve (BPV) vents the air back into the intake manifold, a blow-off valve vents it to the atmosphere. Installing a BOV requires removing the workshop BPV and installing the BOV in its apartment. This can be accomplished Homewards with basic participation tools.

3. Block the return vacuum line with the line block provided with your BOV kit. Since the BOV vents to atmosphere, it will not be recirculating air to the intake manifold, so that line is not needed.4.

While the stop of the foundry bypass valve varies by vehicle, you can bargain it by consequent the vacuum limit from the turbocharger; it Testament, typically, be a minor charcoal canister with input and output vacuum lines. The input edge Testament flow from the turbocharger, while the output line will dash to the intake manifold.

2. Unplug the vacuum lines from the factory BPV. These may either be tension-fit or secured with small clamps. Remove the bolts that hold the BPV to its mounting bracket.


1. Grassland your automobile on comparable ground and observe the engine bay.

Insert the aftermarket BOV into the factory location of the BPV. Reattach the turbo vacuum line into the BOV fitting, and then attach the BOV to the factory bracket.