Thursday, November 13, 2014

Why A Diesel Flywheel Will not Turn

The Flywheel is a hefty Element of the diesel engine.

The crankshaft pushes the pistons up and down in the cylinders using connecting rods. Exigency of lubrication within cylinders Testament eventually end the pistons to overheat from friction and lock into the cylinder liners.

Bent Connecting Rods

Broken Flywheel Teeth

The flywheel either has a call gear attached or one built along the circumference of the flywheel itself. Broken gear teeth within the gear train may shear teeth from the flywheel phone gear, which results in the flywheel spinning freely within the flywheel housing.

Seized Pistons

A flywheel is located in a housing, typically in the rear of an engine. The transmission and clutch meeting attach to the flywheel to comprise the drivetrain. Whether the flywheel won't turn properly, that drivetrain Testament credible not drudgery prerrogative.

A actual bantam clearance exists between the top of the piston and the cylinder sense. Provided an engine is not properly timed, the intake or exhaust valves on the cylinder belief may hit the top of the piston, causing damage. The connecting rod is attached directly to the crankshaft and bears the entire brunt of crush between the piston and the cylinder head.