Monday, November 17, 2014

Edit Fresh paint On The Motorcycle Without Departing The Tape Edges Showing

Touch-up whitewash on a motorcycle is recurrently a another downbeat dilemma than on a machine, owing to there is still less painted surface on a motorcycle. Every tiny scratch, chip or imperfection globe of emulsion is noticable, including tape edges from repairing damage. Provided you craving to memorize touch up gloss on a motorcycle without leaving the tape edges showing, it can save your stain business and build your motorcycle attending smooth and flawless.


1. Apartment masking tape environing the spot that Testament be touched up. District the tape four inches outside from the spot on all sides so that it makes a circle. The circle doesn't accept to be excellent. Grip the string on the inside of the circle and gently roll it up even-handed slightly. Once the paint has dried completely, you won't be able to see a tape edge. The rolled edge of the tape keeps the paint inside the lines, but there is no hard edge for the paint to stop at. The reducer and clear coat mixture also helps because the reducer thins the clear and acts to blend the new paint and old paint.

3. Mix some clear coat paint with reducer. The ratio should be half clear coat paint and half reducer. This makes the clear coat paint very thin. Spray a light coat of this mixture on the area inside the circle of masking tape. Wait 10 minutes and spray one more light coat, but not directly on the touched-up area. Keep this last coat around the touched-up area closer to the taped circle.

4. Pull the tape off carefully. This gives the inside of the circle a little curl.2. Practice the touch-up paint as needed. After the paint has dried and it is ready for the clear coat paint, apply two thin coats of clear coat paint, allowing 15 minutes between coats. This also helps with blending colors that don't match exactly.