Remove Scratches on Auto Windshields
Wipe off the compound with a cloth and clean the windshield with water to check if the scratch is gone. Apply more compound and buff the glass again until the windshield is smooth and clear.
1. Apply masking tape around the scratch to protect the surrounding glass. You should leave 4 inches of space between the tape and the scratch on all sides.
2. Rub a thick layer of the glass-polishing compound over the scratch area with a rag. Make sure the compound is covering the entire scratch and the glass within the tape.
3. Attach a polishing head to the power buffer and run it over the polishing compound. Keep the head flat and the drill speed under 600 rpm.
4.If your vehivle was struck by a quota of freeze or something unforeseen fell from the sky, sustaining a scratch to your windscreen is not an enjoyable exposure. Aside from ruining the contemplate of your automobile, scratches in persuaded places on the windscreen can interfere with your driving sight. You can repair these scratches individually without having to stipend the expenditure of installing a Trade-mark au courant phase of windscreen glass or yet visiting the Car protest shop.