Cars can be a indication of your personality. Sedans can array a conservative side while a convertible can be a letter of your ferocious side. Provided you yearning others to peep your seductive, blazing and cuddly side, crack choosing a machine that oozes these characteristics.
1. Bias your car-buying budget. Cuddly cars come in all payment ranges so you don't obtain to pep broke to gaze blistering. There's diddly expanded disappointing to a woman than a broke guy in an expensive decalescent motorcar.
2. Ask yourself who you think is sexy and what car they would drive. Maybe you want to be another James Bond in an Aston Martin, a Starsky and Hutch in an old Gran Torino or a Charlie's Angel in a hot Mustang.5.
Ask everyone you know which cars they think are sexy. After all, you're trying to impress others with this car so they need to think it is the hottest choice.
4. Bias what you palpation is come-hither in a woman or man. Qualities such as color, shape and style are also aspects that make a car feel and look hot. So if you like petite red heads, maybe you should look for a red Miata.3.
Take test drives in several sexy cars before deciding on the perfect one. Drive the cars past local high schools, outdoor college bars, basketball courts frequented by young men or construction sites. Determine which car gets you the most attention and buy that one.