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Spray the car wash off with the garden hose.4. Let the windshield dry.
Rocks and other flying debris that hit a windscreen Testament cause pits or inadequate concave holes in the glass. Repeatedly parking a automobile under some types of trees enables saps to drip on windshields and cut pits over age. Using machine glass crater polish and a sander fills the holes to the surface continuous and smooths them for a seamless repair billet.
1. Turn a garden hose on and spray the windscreen to rinse any loose debris off the surface.
2. Squirt vehivle wash soap into a bucket and add aqua from the garden hose to brew a soapy homogenize.
3. Dip a automobile wash sponge into the combine and thoroughly Disinfected the windshield.AfterUnmarried ChapterMotorcar windshields commitment to be free ride of pits and obstructions for commendable visibility in driving.
5. Place a glass-sanding disc on an orbital sander. Press the disc onto the sander so the Velcro adheres to the sander guard.
6. Squirt auto glass pit polish onto the center of the sanding disc.
7. Turn the sander on and place it on the pits in the windshield. Move the sander in a circular motion over the glass pits. The polish will fill the pits so they are not noticeable.
8. Turn the sander off and feel the pits with a fingertip. Continue using the sander until the surface where the pits were is completely filled with pit polish and level with the rest of the windshield.