Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Prevent Warmth Exhaustion While Running


Heat exhaustion happens when a body cannot biting itself down. The reason's business is to care for its core temperature at 98 degrees F. It tries to close this finished sweat evaporation, on the other hand when this advance is impeded, it leads to overheating or heat exhaustion. This can easily happen during excessive physical activity such as running or jogging. But the fact that the temperatures are high does not mean one can't enjoy running. The key to preventing heat exhaustion is to take precautions before you begin your run.


1. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids hours before your run. Water or electrolyte-balancing drinks are the fluids of choice. Avoid other drinks such as soda and coffee, as sodium and caffeine can act as dehydrating agents. Take a water bottle with you as you run. There are plenty of running accessories that will make carrying a bottle easy and hassle-free.

Try finding a cooler running route. Pick streets or roads lined with trees or buildings that offer shade at least on one side of the street.4. Pick a cooler time of the day to do your workout, especially in the summer. Before 10 a.m. and after 6 p.m. is much more ideal than choosing a noon-time run.

2. Cool your body through perspiration. Sweat needs to be able to evaporate to complete the cooling process. If you are overdressed or dressed in the wrong type of clothing, your body cannot properly cool you down. Wear light-colored clothing that has a loose fit. This type of clothing will allow your body to cool as it does not prevent the perspiration from evaporating.3.