Monday, December 7, 2015

Kinds Of Gas Meters

Manufactures keep used technology to augment Gauze meters in latest age.

The meter works by using the "Doppler Effect" wherein an ultrasonic signal is reflected by gas bubbles in the pipe or meter. The rate at which the ultrasonic signal is pushed back through the system is directly proportional to the rate of flow within the system. This measurement allows the meter to be read and usage determined.

Diaphragm Meters

A diaphragm meter is the most common gas meter found on residential buildings. Gas flow in these meters is directed by two internal valves which fill the meter's two diaphragms in alternating fashion. One diaphragm takes in gas, the other expels it. Levers attached to the diaphragms power an odometer-like meter that measures the frequency in which gas is expelled from the system. The meter allows a gas company to track gas usage and render a monthly bill.

Rotary Meters

Rotary meters are designed to record higher gas volumes more precisely than other meters. Timing and alignment is key for rotary meters, which use two pistons to move gas through the device. The movement created by this rotation produces electrical pulses, which are then read by a flow computer. The computer turns a digital dial so the meter can be read. These meters are primarily used at industrial sites where higher gas volume requires these precise instruments.

Wireless Meters

The California Public Utility Commission has approved a proposal from the California Gas Company to proceed with the installation of new wireless gas meters in 2010. These cutting-edge meters record and send information digitally, providing technicians immediate access to energy consumption information. This system eliminates the need for a company representative to check gas meters in the field. It also allows consumers to more easily track their energy consumption. The project has been funded for an approximate value of $1.05 billion.

Ultrasonic Flow Meters

An ultrasonic flow meter measures volumetric flow, which requires bubbles or particles in the liquid or gas.Manufacturers accommodate assorted types of Gauze meters to just the contrary needs of the homes, help and industrial facilities they are installed in. These devices, which degree and enter the scale of coercion consumption, posses been improved in recent years. Traditional diaphragm gas meters are giving way to more advanced technology that may eliminate the need for monthly readings.