How Effect I Modify Front Brakes on a Toyota T100?
The Toyota T100 full-size pickup Motor lorry is equipped with CD brakes on the front and drum brakes on the rear. Once you cause to hear a high-pitched squealing sound when you depress the brake pedal, it's bit to transform the front brake pads. Provided you advance to handle the vehicle beyond the breath of the pads, you Testament damage the rotors, which are yet another costly to interchange. The procedure for changing the pads on two-wheel impel trucks and four-wheel operate trucks is slightly contrastive, nevertheless it should returns approximately an age for either.
2WD Models
1. Loosen the lug nuts on the front wheels, and elevate the front of the vehicle with an automotive jack. Buttress both sides of the Motor lorry with jack stands. Remove the lug nuts, and catching off both front wheels.
2. Place a drip pan beneath the brake assembly. Clean the brake assemblies with ample amounts of brake cleaner to remove brake dust. This dust is harmful to breathe. Replace the mounting pin, and tighten it to 27 ft-lbs. of torque.Repeat the procedure on the opposite side.9.
Attach a large C-clamp to the caliper, and tighten it to press the pistons back into the caliper, so you can remove the pads.
4. Use a wrench or socket to remove the lower caliper mounting bolt. Access the bolt from from the back side of the caliper.
5. Rotate the caliper off the rotor and out of the torque member. Secure it out of the way by connecting it to the upper control arm with a piece of wire.
6. Remove the inner and outer brake pads and shims. If the new pads did not come with shims, thoroughly clean the old ones with brake cleaner.
7. Coat the back of the new pads with anti-squeal grease. A small tube should come with the new pads. Attach the shims to the back of the pads, and coat the back of the shims with grease. Install the pads into the torque member.
8. Coat the lower caliper mounting pin with high temperature grease. This will prevent the pin from welding itself to the assembly when the brakes get hot. Rotate the caliper back down onto the rotor. While waiting for the brakes to dry, open the hood and remove the master cylinder cap. Use a syringe or similar device to suction out about 2/3 of the brake fluid, so it won't overflow when you depress then piston.3.
Replace the wheels and lug nuts. Lower the vehicle and retighten the lug nuts. Refill the master cylinder to the full mark with new brake fluid, and close the lid. Start the truck and pump the brakes several times. Recheck the brake fluid level.
4WD Models
10. Loosen the lug nuts on the front wheels, and raise the front of the vehicle with an automotive jack. Support both sides of the truck with jack stands. Remove the lug nuts and take off both front wheels.
11. Place a drip pan beneath the brake assembly. Clean the brake assemblies with ample amounts of brake cleaner to remove brake dust. This dust is harmful to breathe.
Repeat the process outlined in Step 5.16. Replace the upper pad retaining pin. Replace the anti-rattle spring.
Use pliers or your fingers to slide out the lower pad retaining pin. Remove the anti-rattle spring. This is the flat piece of metal that covers the opening in the torque member/caliper assembly. Remove the upper pad retaining pin.
14. Remove the outer brake pad. Use a screwdriver or other suitable object to press the outer piston back into the bore. Apply anti-squeal grease to the back of the pad, attach the shim, and apply grease to the back of the shim. Insert the pad back into the torque member.
15. Remove the inner brake pad.12. Remove the pin retaining clip from the back side of the two pad retaining pins. The wire is inserted through a hole in the pins to hold them in place.13.
Replace the lower pad retaining pin. Gently tap the pins to ensure they are firmly seated. Replace the pin retaining clip.
Repeat the procedure on the opposite side.
17.Replace the wheels and lug nuts. Lower the truck, and tighten the lug nuts.