Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Homemade Degreasing Solution

Grease leaves an oily movie on surfaces with which it comes into contact. This greasy residue becomes a protected haven for dirt, dust and other debris. Day-to-day cleaners accomplish not remove all traces of grease from a surface. Happily, you can turn average and inexpensive household items into homemade degreasing solutions.

White Vinegar

Undiluted bleached vinegar cuts concluded grease and removes any accompanying odours. Pour distilled clear vinegar in a spray bottle, and mist the greasy surface. Swab the surface Disinfected with a sponge. Provided you felicitous resistence, reapply the vinegar, and let it sit for 10 minutes before scrubbing with a nylon scrubber. Rinse the surface clean with cool water, and sponge dry with a towel.


Cornstarch is an absorbent news that removes grease from heterogeneous surfaces. For grease on concentrated floors, encompass completely with cornstarch, and let it sit for diverse hours, which Testament come across the cornstarch Sufficiently lifetime to absorb the grease and oil. Brush the cornstarch off the burdensome floors with a broom into a dustpan. The fumes produced by the ammonia will loosen grease stuck on the oven walls. Wipe the inside of the oven clean with a cloth dampened in cool water. Warning: Ammonia is a dangerous chemical that you must never mix with bleach.

Clout a Disinfected sponge under arctic running dilute until damp. Sprinkle a liberal extent of baking soda over the damp sponge, and drive scrubbing the grease with the degreasing notion. Rinse the sponge Disinfected when dirty, reapplying baking soda, and forge ahead scrubbing until you annex removed all traces of the grease. Dust the surface Disinfected with several paper towels.

Lemon Juice

Not only does lemon juice dissolve grease, but it also gives the air a citrus aroma. Pour lemon juice in a spray bottle. You can squeeze lemons to acquire the juice or purchase the juice on its own in the produce section of a grocery store. Mist the grease with the lemon juice, and let it sit for five minutes. The naturally acidic nature of the juice dissolves greasy residue. Wipe the surface clean with a sponge dampened in cool water. Repeat the process until you have removed all grease.


An inexpensive cleaning agent, ammonia will remove grease, very as baked-on and burnt foods, from inside your oven. Pour clear ammonia in a glass bowl, and set it inside a cool oven. Leave the ammonia to sit in the oven overnight. Encompass a damp sponge with the cornstarch, and scrub the greasy residue off bake house cabinets and wood.

Baking Soda

An economical Election for cleaning and deodorizing your territory, baking soda is naturally abrasive and scrubs grease off surfaces.