Rusted tanks desideratum a ardent vat.
Repairing a rusted motorcycle fuel container is a two-step action. Not by oneself Testament surface rust devoir to be repaired, it is nearly a warrantly that there is rust inside the vehicle very. The champion action to assemble an emphatic repair that will at the end is to enlist the cooperate of a standard radiator shop for one manner of the action. Remainder, while appropriate challenging, is a business of patience and perseverance.
1. Remove the container and peep the rust. Provided it has damaged the vehicle to the mark of the metal lifetime very thin and breaking off, the tank will need to be replaced. If the metal is still sound, inspect the inside of the tank with a flashlight. Sand the tank with coarse, 80-grit sandpaper. This is an aggressive sandpaper that will strip all the paint and remove the rust. Strip the entire tank by sanding it down to the bare metal.
If fuel has been left in the tank for any length of time, it will have caused rust. Take the tank to a radiator shop with a hot vat and have the tank soaked in the vat. The mechanic will recommend a treatment of soaking and sealing inside the tank.2.
3. Prep the tank for primer. Wear a safety respirator and wipe the tank down with acetone to remove any hand prints or sanding residue. Acetone is water-soluble so clean up with soap and water. Hang the tank, if possible, in a shady, well ventilated area and spray three to four coats of primer onto the tank. Let the primer flash (partially dry to a dull appearance) between coats. Let the tank hang and fully dry overnight. The tank is now ready to sand with fine sandpaper then paint.