Monday, September 1, 2014

Make Bumper Cars For College Projects

Traditional bumper cars at rest.

4. Place both the template and the body on the chassis, once you have completed the body, to verify the car will move without anything rubbing on the wheels. The body must be at least 4 inches taller than the wheels to provide space for the bumper. Actuate the extent of the vehicle and how many other students Testament be participating before induction. Some radio controls may interfere with Everyone other when used in rapid proximity.


1. Acquire the remote management motorcar chassis from a native hobby shop or online. Cover the wheels and axles with the chassis. Produce as elementary according to the carton instructions.

2. Degree the margin between the wheels across the chassis and between the front and back wheels. Subtract ¼ inch from Everyone side. Reduce a square from the petite cardboard cereal box to fit these magnitude. Put the resulting rectangle on top of the chassis and alteration the car to ensure none of the wheels rub on the template.

3. Remove the cardboard template. Build the car body with Lego pieces on top of this cardboard template. The simplest car body pattern is to build a square that fits onto the template. Alternate bricks in each row so that you create a "brick wall" pattern.

Bumper cars are a traditional manage at many amusement parks and county fairs. Building design bumper cars can direct students approximately acceleration and mobility. You can jewel some interpretation materials Homewards; you Testament charge to get others to supply a motorized vehicle.

5. Glue the Lego body to the cardboard template. Allow the glue to dry completely before gluing the template and body to the chassis.

6. Blow up the animal balloon so that it is long enough to wrap around the body of the car and tie the ends together to form a tight "bumper." Animal balloons, frequently used by clowns to make animals or other balloon shapes, are long and thin. Do not over-inflate the balloon as it may pop on impact. Do not glue in place; tie tightly enough that it does not move.

7. Test the vehicle by bumping into the wall to verify everything stays in place and the balloon does not rub against the tires.