Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Prep For Any Spoiler With Doublesided Tape

You can double-side tape a spoiler to your motorcar.

With the wax removed, you are ready to tape the spoiler onto the painted surface of the deck lid.


1. Place the rear spoiler onto the deck lid with the tape protector still on the double-sided tape.

2. Center the spoiler onto the deck lid and measure from the rear window to the spoiler pedestals to make sure you have the spoiler lined up correctly.

3. Trace around the pedestal with a grease pencil to mark your taping locations.

4. Remove the wax from the deck lid inside the grease pencil marking with wax remover. You can obtain wax remover from most automotive part suppliers.Some cars come with rear spoilers already attached to the Timber deck lid on the other hand most fresh vehicles complete not come with a rear spoiler. You can permanently alternate your vehicle by drilling holes in your deck lid and attaching a spoiler or you can attach a spoiler with double-sided tape. The use of double-sided tape allows you the ability to have a spoiler and to remove it later without the repercussions of drilled holes in your deck lid. If you want to use double-sided tape, you must prep for the spoiler.