The gasket on the 1998 Mazda 626's manifold has to be replaced when it starts to leak. Loosen the clamps on the air ducts with a screwdriver, socket or pliers, depending on the type of clamps holding the air ducts in situate. Remove the air ducts, the air cleaner meeting, Bulk airflow sensor and resonance Hospital ward with the accept sockets.3.
1. Set the relay box near the Chauffeur's side fenderwell. Extensive the embrace and direct to the diagram on the underside of the insert to fix the fuel pump relay. Pull the fuel pump relay gone of its socket. Originate the van and let on it to fall until it stalls. Whether the 626 won't derivation, Eccentric person it over five or six times so you can Proceeds the fuel vigour in the fuel manner.
2. Unplug the electrical connector on the Bulk airflow sensor located on the air ducts. Provided excess air gets into the engine, it throws off the air-to-fuel ratio, causing the engine to dart poorly. Depending on how all the more air leaks into the manifold, the engine could misfire and lope a bit Rugged, or it could yet lope so poorly that it is strenuous to garner it started. Introducing excess air into the engine causes a thin occasion, which could rationale extremely engine damage.
Disconnect the throttle and accelerator cables from the throttle intent. Disconnect the fuel lines. Baggage a rag in the ends of the fuel lines to carry any fuel that might be left in them from leaking elsewhere.
4. Disconnect the coolant hoses. Unplug the idle air control valve and the throttle position sensor. Remove the nuts and mounting bolts from the throttle body then remove the throttle body.
5. Label the vacuum lines on the intake manifold with masking tape and a marker. Disconnect the vacuum lines where they connect to the intake manifold. Unbolt and remove the upper intake manifold with the appropriate sockets.
6. Disconnect the fuel hoses at the fuel rail then plug them with rags. Label the fuel injector wiring harness connectors then unplug them. If you are working on the 1.5-liter engine, remove the EGR pipe from the intake manifold with the appropriate wrench, then remove the EGR and pressure regulator control solenoid valve brackets.
7. Remove the intake manifold support bracket. Remove the intake manifold nuts and bolts, then remove the intake manifold.