Monday, September 14, 2015

Test Vehicle Piston Rings

When you requirement to diagnose what's sick your machine, you should star by testing the parts that are easiest to transform and dash off your custom from there. You can probation your piston rings without disassembling your engine.


1. Remove the fuse that controls the fuel pump. Depending on the compose and replica of your automobile, this may not be imperative. Nevertheless, unless you're definite your van's internal pc Testament prevent the engine from running, it is safer to remove the fuse.

2. Takings the Glimmer plugs outside for Everyone cylinder by turning the peanut counterclockwise with the receive magnitude socket bit.

Lay the throttle in a completely administer position. The location of the throttle varies by make and model, so check your auto repair manual.5. Attach the compression gauge and adapter fitting to the spark plug socket in one of the cylinders.

3. Consult your Car repair book to disable the ignition action. This prevents any combustion in the cylinders as you're checking them.4.

Start your car. The needle on the compression gauge should move at least four times to be sure it is registering correctly. Repeat this process for each cylinder.

6. Check the reading on the compression gauge. If it is significantly less than 100 pounds of pressure, chances are you have a bad piston ring.

7. Confirm you have a bad piston ring by squirting a moderate amount of 10w30 motor oil in any piston with a low compression reading. If the compression improves after this, it means your piston rings absolutely need to be replaced.