The weather stripping all over your vehivle windows keeps moisture outside.
The rubber weather stripping that surrounds your automobile windows keeps moisture gone while control the heat and air conditioning inside where it belongs. Day, sun and accidents can all damage this protective gasket. Damage to the weather stripping on your van requires instant care so that the elements gone can not invade your vehicle and doer permanent damage. Repairing your rubber window gaskets takes condign a bit of period, a hardly any inexpensive supplies and a babyish know-how.
1. Roll the van window down to expose the all-inclusive rubber gasket. Place down your Blop cloth onto the seat, the floor board and against the inside of the automobile door.
2. Wedge the pointed edge of your 5-in-1 putty blade into the window frame. Dwelling the objective against the top string of the rubber. Rub every surface that will touch your gasket to remove all of the old adhesive.5. Slide the seating groove of your replacement gasket onto the receiving lip around the window. Trim the gasket with your shears to fit the frame.
Remove the old rubber and gently scrape the frame clean with your putty knife.
4. Soak a rag with denatured alcohol. Rub the frame where your new rubber will be installed with the alcohol soaked rag. Twist the putty lancet to pull the rubber down and away from the metal frame.3. Abide prying the rubber gone from the window with your putty cutlass. Pull the loosened rubber gasket free of charge with your unpaid participation and discard the pieces into your bucket.
Remove the gasket from the frame.
6. Mix your epoxy adhesive according to the manufacturer's recommendations. Apply a coat of epoxy inside of the seating groove of the new gasket. Press the gasket into place around the window frame. Let the epoxy cure for three hours before rolling up your window.