Monday, September 1, 2014

1936 Cadillac Engine Specs

Bleached wall tires were accepted on Cadillacs from the 1930s.

The 16-cylinder limousine had a 154-inch wheelbase. Models that ran the V-12 had the 131 or 138 wheelbase, and the V-8 models were equipped with the 131- or the 121-wheelbase chassis.


The 16-cylinder engine was comprised of two eight-cylinder engines put together, each with its own exhaust and fuel system.

The hood itself on the 1936 Cadillac was vast and longer than many cars. The V-16 remained in Industry from 1930 until 1941, however in 1936 less than 100 of the engines were fictional. They were assembled by handwriting, not mass-produced. At the continuance Cadillac had two 12-cylinder engines and two eight-cylinder engine types available.


There were 12 object styles available for the plentiful Cadillac border in 1936. Limousines were duration built and powered by 12- or 16-cylinder engines. There was as well a divergency of coupes, convertibles and sedans, mostly powered by V-8 engines. The V-16 was a 452-cubic inch engine that produced exceeding than 200 horsepower. The two V-12 engines were both 368 cubic inches. Two V-8s came in 322 or 346 cubic inches in three different wheelbases to accommodate different cars.The USA may keep been in a depression in 1936, nevertheless Cadillac was going brawny and vying for government of the luxury machine bazaar with inexperienced and bold innovations, not the least of which was a vast, 16-cylinder engine.


The 16-cylinder engine offered by Cadillac in the 1930s was a revolutionary draw. Really, particular three automakers annex produced a 16-cylinder engine up over the 1990s.

The Series 90 limousine with the V-16 engine weighed 6,190 pounds. This was a valve-in-head engine with a bore and stroke of 3 by 4 inches. The engine could hold 10 quarts of oil. The V-12 was a similar design, with two V-6 engines put together and also with a valve-in-head setup. This engine could hold nine quarts of oil and used a 30-gallon gas tank. Cars with this engine weighed just under 5,000 pounds. The V-8 was the staple of Cadillac and most large cars at the time. The largest one was 346 cubic inches, generated 135 horsepower and used an L-head design. The eight-cylinder engine held seven quarts of oil.