Adding fog lights to your automobile or Motor lorry is a considerable road to convalesce your driving safety in lavish and fog.10. Reconnect the negative battery cable.
1. Disconnect the cynical cable from the battery.
2. Avail a self-tapping event metal screw and mount the 10 amp progression breaker in a lodging near the battery. Bad places to mount the course breaker are the inner fender or the radiator assist.
3. Mount the relay in the duplicate world as the order breaker, extremely using a self-tapping screw.
4. Flow a 14 gauge wire from the fog lights to terminal 86 on the relay. Connect this wire to the pigtail of the fog glowing with a solderless butt connector and to the relay using a solderless female spade connector.
5. Connect a short wire from terminal 85 on the relay to terminal 87a. Generate your connections using solderless female spade connectors.
6. Mount a SPST toggle switch in an earth easily reached by the Chauffeur. Connect a wire to the centre terminal on the toggle switch using a solderless female spade connector. Run this wire to a metal part of the under dash area. Use a self-tapping screw and a solderless ring terminal and attach this wire to the metal. This needs to be a good connection, so make sure that there is no paint under the terminal.
7. Run a wire from the toggle switch to relay terminal 30. Use solderless female spade connectors on both the switch and the relay.
8. Connect relay terminal 87 to one of the circuit breaker terminals. This will require one solderless female spade connector and one solderless ring connector.
9. Connect the other terminal of the circuit breaker to the positive terminal on the battery.This will also require one solderless female spade connector and one solderless ring connector.
Fog lights are mounted low on the vehicle and their Broad Apartment lodgings beam of fluorescent illuminates the course under the fog reducing shine bouncing back in the Chauffeur's eyes. It is recommended to always wire fog lights with a relay. This ensures that the fog lights accept unabridged voltage at all times.