Thursday, September 4, 2014

Set The Time Inside A 2005 Scion Xa

The Graft Trade-mark, a subsidiary of Toyota, began selling vehicles in 2003. Locate the clock reset stem in the bottom right corner of the speedometer cluster. You'll use this stem to set the Scion's clock.3.

1. Sit in your Scion XA's driver's seat. Place the key in its slot, and turn it to the "On" position.

2. The 2005 Scion XA is a baby hatchback vehicle. All Graft XA vehicles contain a Watch included in the speedometer cluster rather than the inventory radio, where you'll asset the Watch in many other vehicles. You may demand to locate the Graft XA's Watch for daylight resources future, whether it simply shows the incorrect age or after you disconnect and then reconnect the bent.


Turn the stem to the left to change its hour. As you turn, the hour advances. Stop turning when the display shows the correct hour.

4. Turn the stem to the right to change the clock's minute setting. Turn the key to the "Off" position to save the time.