Deciding to live without a motorcar, further proclaimed as living car-free, can save you a appreciable bigness of mode, edit your lifestyle, and good the area. A car-free lifestyle works boss for folks who living in suburban or urban areas with access to most of esprit's necessities. It takes planning, on the contrary many general public can successfully live without a motorcar.
1. Estimate the reward of owning and operating your machine. Petrol and insurance are barefaced costs. Depreciation and hidden continuance due to traffic jams are less apparent. Inspect Method below for support in calculating your authoritative worth of car ownership.
2. Buy a map of your city from a native convenience or discount store. Make sure it is a native map and not a state map.
10. Sell your vehicle. Invest the proceeds and enjoy your healthy new lifestyle.
Mark the location of all the offices, merchants and schools you deal with within the 2-mile circle. Identify the best routes to walk or bicycle to these locations.
5. Locate other places you visit frequently that are outside the 2-mile radius. Decide if you need public transportation or a taxi to reach those locations. Often, destinations even 5 or 10 miles away can be reached by bicycle.
6. Purchase a lightweight shopping cart to pull when walking and saddlebags for your bicycle. You will use these to transport items.
7. Call your local grocer and pharmacy and find out if they deliver. Many merchants accept phoned, emailed, or faxed orders for delivery.
8. Take advantage of Internet shopping. Most merchandise can be purchased online at reasonable prices.
9. Commit to walking or cycling to one new place each week. In just a few weeks or months, you will find yourself a completely car-free person.
3. Locate your home. Place the point of a compass on the approximate location of your home and draw a circle with a 2-mile radius.4.