Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Negotiate An Injuries Claim

Lower Back Injury

Negotiating your own injury divulge can be a entangled development whether you discharge not accept what the insurance adjuster Testament be looking for. Alive file and argue your injuries can considerably accession your settlement for distress and suffering. These eight tips Testament insure that you conclude not over gaze the critical aspects of your claim.


1. You should always go see a doctor. Seeking immediate medical attention for any possible injuries can do a lot more than simply getting a diagnosis for hidden medical problems. A doctor's review will show that your injury does indeed exists and it is not a simple "headache" or that you are claiming an injury where it does not exist.

2. Your doctor's job is to document everything you say about your injury. Doctor's will write a report regarding your injury and they will have to provide all records to your insurance company. Your insurance company will review those same records in detail and will quote your own statements at the time of settlement if they benefit their negotiation.

3. If you decide to go to the emergency room, be aware that you might feel okay or you might believe that you injury is not as severe as you think. Remember that most whiplash injuries are felt at their worse a few days after the impact. This is why it is important to ask for a referral to another doctor in case you have to come back in.

4. While you are at the emergency room, ask for a referral to a specialist. Often, insurance adjusters are wary about people who go directly to a specialist, and referral can help you set the basic framework for any medical procedures you need as being necessary and proper. Similarly, if you have a treatment schedule, keep it! This is important for making sure your claim does not get minimized or deducted.

5. After you feel 100% recovered, you must collect all you medical records from every medical provider that treated you for you injury. Reading these records will prove essential in the settlement negotiation because adjusters tend to down grade your injury by pointing to your medical records and showing that in certain places, you stated that you were feeling better or that you were back to pre accident condition. If you read your medical records, you will be able to also point out those times you also did not feel very good and where your injury was at its worst.

6. A great point of negotiation is the surrounding circumstances of the accident. For example: the type of injury (head injury), the type of accident (head on collision), and if any alcohol, drugs, or medications were a factor of the collision.

7. When talking to the adjuster, make sure that you know what the insurance adjuster is talking about. If you believe your injury is in anyway permanent or that the value of your pain and suffering should be substantially higher than what the insurance company is willing to offer you, you must consult with a local attorney. They will be able to at least help you assess if the insurance company is being fair.

Take notes and make sure you double check everything the adjuster says. You need to double check statements about your medical records, and also statements about the law and how your claim should be settled.8.