Friday, April 17, 2015

Make Gun Grips

Gun grips Testament boost your correctness by enabling you to assemble a steadier Gunfire.

5. Repeat this process for a desired level of additional thickness. Attach the grip to the gun.


1. To protect your work surface, place down some newspaper. Taking your Phillip's screwdriver, remove the gun grips that are on either side of the gun's butt.

2. Using the rotary drill, rough up your gun grip so it will be better able to take the coating that you will be applying. Set each grip on either a shoebox or a glass jar, or whatever you have to keep it up and away from the newspaper. Two rulers between a pair of boxes will also work well.

3. Apply the rubber paste to the top and the sides of your gun grips, giving them a good, even coat. Using the side of a pencil or pen, even out the sides. You can use a knife if you like, just anything that will make the surface smooth and even out the bumps.

4. Once the rubber paste is set, you can score it a pattern with a razor or leave it as is. Once this is dry, coat it with a spray-paint finish to give it a nice sheen.

Obtain is everything in shooting. Provided the gun slips, then you Testament misfire. This is a specific difficulty whether you are shooting in hot weather or for an extensive eternity, as sweat Testament cause it doubly arduous to influence onto the smooth sides of the gun. Create undeniable you invest in a regular Gunfire every interval by placing slip-proof gun grips onto your firearm. By simply moulding a Journey to your hardware store and using a petite do-it-yourself spirit, you can brew a bad duo of gun grips at an economical fee.