The 1999 Ford F-150 half-ton pickup was available with a 4.2-liter V-6, and optional 4.6-liter or 5.4-liter V-8 engines. Reconnect the negative battery cable.
1. Arena the F-150 on a akin surface and establish the parking brake. Remove the colorless battery cable with a ratchet and socket.
2. Remove the window Eccentric person handgrip, whether relevant, by pulling the encompass off the mould of the use. Appliance a Phillips screwdriver to remove the screw from the centre of the hilt. Remove the ear and spacer. For capacity windows, apply a immature flat-head screwdriver to pry away the curb plate. Disconnect the electrical connectors from the plate.
3. Remove the trim insert at the side-view mirror by pulling it straight gone. Employment a trim part to detach the clip at the top of the door panel where you removed the mirror trim encompass.
4. Advantage a trim item to detach the clip at the back of the door panel. Appliance a insufficient flat-head screwdriver to remove the round trim comprehend ultimate the door bail. Applicability a ratchet and socket to remove the door handle bolt. Remove the hold.
5. Remove the door support trim at the back of the door by pulling it straight away and out from the door. Remove the clip at the rear of the door panel with the trim thing. Remove the screw at the top corner of the panel -- antagonistic of the mirror -- with a Phillips screwdriver.
6. Lift up and absent on the trim panel to remove it. The door panel has hooked clips that fit in holes in the door. Provided equipped with courtesy lights, turn the socket one-quarter turn counterclockwise to remove the light from the panel.
7. Install the courtesy lamp socket in the panel - if equipped - and turn it one-quarter turn clockwise. Lower the panel onto the door, engaging the hooked clips in the holes in the door.
8. Push in the clips at the front and rear of the door panel. Push on the door pillar trim. Install the Phillips screw in the front of the panel. Push on the side-mirror trim.
9. Install the door handle and tighten the bolt. Push the trim cover into the panel. For power windows, plug the electrical connectors into the switch panel and push it into the door panel. For manual windows, install the spacer and handle. Install and tighten the screw. Push the handle cover onto the handle.
10. All engines deed electronic fuel injection with alone injectors for Everyone cylinder. The door trim panels on the F-150 are retained with clips and screws. Removing the door panels from models with volume and effectiveness windows is slightly at odds.