Friday, August 14, 2015

Stop Surface Rust

Aim surface rust by applying an anti-corrosive primer to the metal.

Rust can grow on metal surfaces such as cars, outdoor Accoutrement, household appliances, silverware and pipes. Once naked metal is exposed to air and damp, rust Testament soon fashion. It is crucial to remove the rust and prevent augmented rust from developing. Meager areas of surface rust should be treated now to prevent irreparable damage to the metal.3. Coat the metal surface with an anti-corrosive primer. Use a paintbrush to apply two coats of the anti-corrosive primer according to the manufacturer's instructions. The anti-corrosive primer will stop further rusting and prepare the metal for paint.

Sanding Testament prime the metal surface for the anti-corrosive primer.

2. Dampen a rag with mineral spirits, and then rub the rag over the metal to remove any dirt, grease and grime. Acquiesce the metal to thoroughly dry.

Applying an anti-corrosive primer to the metal Testament objective besides surface rust from developing.


1. Rub sandpaper over the rusty areas to scrape off existing rust flakes.

4. Allow the anti-corrosive primer to dry according to the manufacturer's instructions. Using a paintbrush, paint the metal surface with a rust-prevention paint. Follow the manufacturer's instructions on how many coats to use and how long to allow the paint to dry.