Monday, September 21, 2015

Replace A Dodge Durango Drum Brake

Modify a Dodge Durango Drum Brake

The rear brakes on your Dodge Durango account a drum-and-shoe transaction to supply roughly 30 to 40 percent of the stopping effort for the Motor lorry. Being they are on the rear of the Motor lorry, the transfer of weight when stopping shifts most of the duress out from them and to the front CD brakes. The determination is a brake shoe and drum that close not wear as expeditious as the brakes in the front. It is not ofttimes that a drum needs replacing however over age they can wear or crack and then they Testament depend upon replacement.


1. Loosen the lug nuts on the rear of your Durango with a lug wrench or a socket and breaker bar. Effect not remove them from the turn studs still.

2. Hoist the rear of the Motor lorry off the ground with a jack under the rear axle housing. Move to the opposite side of the truck, remove the drum, and replace it using the same process. Install the wheels onto the truck followed by the lug nuts. Tighten them until they are snug.5.

Set the old drum aside, then slide the new drum onto the wheel studs and over the rear brake shoes. If the drum will not slide on you may need to adjust the shoes in a little To admit for the added thickness of the new drum.

4. Distance a locate of jack stands under the axle tube to bedding the weight of the Motor lorry. Remove the lug nuts and wheels from the Motor lorry.3. Grasp the brake drum with your hands and remove it from the Motor lorry, pulling it straight out.

Raise the rear of the truck off the jack stands and pull them out from under the truck. Lower the jack, setting the truck back on its tires. Tighten all the lug nuts with a lug wrench or socket and breaker bar.