Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Change A 2005 Honda Timing Belt

Appropriateness a automobile jack to lift the front of your Honda for this procedure.

Your 2005 Honda vehicle should acquire its timing sash replaced every 60,000 miles or every four senescence, whichever comes headmost. You can receive it into a mechanic to cook this procedure however it Testament save you a quota of wealth provided you be taught determine this yourself. You create retain to adjust and remove some engine components on the other hand it is bill the oppressive office. Whether you effect not alter this cummerbund at the recommended intervals, it may escort to some costly engine damage provided it breaks.


1. Call a vehivle jack to lift the front of your Honda up so you can levy the jack stands on both sides of the front deadline. Lower and remove the jack.

2. Stir the jack so it is under the oil pan on the lower object of the engine. Pull the pulley off and then remove the bottom cover for the timing belt by simply pulling it off.9. Rotate the tensioner on your alternator with the socket wrench. Turn it counterclockwise until the timing belt is loose.

Remove the bolts that clout the rotate hearty fender in apartment and pull the fender absent.

4. Remove the bolts from the energy steering pump. These bolts connect the timing cestuses to this pump.

5. Remove the insert that protects the spark plug ignition coils. Remove the nuts and disconnect these coils. Attach an extension to your socket wrench and unscrew the four spark plugs from their cavities in a counterclockwise direction.

6. Find the engine mount on the right side of the engine block and remove the bolt that secures it in place. Once you remove the mount, continue to pull off the top timing belt cover that is located below the mount.

7. Locate the crank pulley in the wheel well. The alternator is connected to this pulley. Attach the socket wrench to the pulley and rotate the pulley until the alternator is pointing to the far left spark plug cavity.

8. Remove the bolt that secures the pulley to the alternator. Put a quota of wood on top of the jack and uplift the jack so it lifts the oil pan up two else inches from its embryonic spot.3. Haul the Chauffeur's side turn off.

Pull the belt off.

10. Position a new belt where the old one was and tighten it into position by turning the tensioner clockwise until it is taut. Put the engine parts back together by reversing the steps above.

11. Start your engine and run it for at least 10 or 15 minutes before you drive anywhere. Pay attention to any strange noises from the new belt as it may indicate that you need to tighten it or reposition it. Loosen the tensioner and reposition if needed and then re-tighten it.