Monday, October 27, 2014

Can A Guarantee Be Moved From The Used Vehicle

When purchasing a recent automobile, the first street to establish that it has the warranty ground plan you craze is to transfer your warranty from your senile automobile to the cutting edge one. Research the skilled print of the warranty for this data.

Extended Car Warranty Transfer

In most cases, the alone form to transfer a warranty from one car to another is through an extended car warranty transfer.

Nevertheless, this is not normally potential.

Fine Print

Vehivle warranties are normally written so that the warranty becomes invalid when the motorcar is switched from one owner to another.

It usually forces the owner to extend the length, in years and miles, of the warranty.

Manufacturer Car Warranty

Dealerships will give you a trade-in value for the coverage on your old car. They won't allow you to switch the policy over to the new car you have purchased.


The age of the car being turned in is an important factor when determining if the warranty will transfer to the new one. If the used car was purchased one to three years ago, the warranty has a greater chance of transferring.


When you are searching for an automotive warranty broker, ask if they offer warranty packages that are transferable.