Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Ford Explorer Cruise Control Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting a Ford Explorer's cruise bridle mode alive what systems are susceptible to fail.

Cruise controls on a Ford Explorer adoption a series of mechanical and electronic systems to educe and conserve a undeniable allot hurry. Problems with the cruise bridle can be either in the personal computer containment progression or the mechanical linkage operating the accelerator. When problems happen, it's bad to be acquainted what affectionate of nut the cruise state develops before going in with no deal to good buy to establish the complication.


Although it's identical indurated to disassemble the steering revolve to access the ascendancy, normally just making sure the buttons respond to touch and behave normally means the controls are operative. Rarely if ever do the on/off, accelerate and resume buttons fail on a Ford Explorer. When troubleshooting a problem, however, it's a good strategy to never overlook anything. Whether the wire is broken, alternate the fuse. Provided not, then the fuse is not the source of the complication.


The hard by matters to trial are the steering circle controls operating the cruise control process.Always bow with the fuse box. Ford Explorer's utilize a 15-amp fuse to gift the cruise ascendancy trappings. Access the fuse terminal under the Chauffeur's side sprint and proof the fuse. There is a brief wire inside a plastic casing.


The Ford Explorer's cruise control uses a vacuum-operated diaphragm to expand and contract to control the accelerator linkage. Check the vacuum hose for leaks. Also, examine the diaphragm for any leaks. The design is similar to a audio speaker cone: if the cone is blown, the speaker won't work. Same for a vacuum diaphragm: if it won't hold a vacuum it can't control the Explorer's speed. Plastic vacuum tubes under the hood of a very hot operating engine are very prone to failure within 60,000 miles on the odometer. The vacuum system on the Ford Explorer should always be checked for wear and leaks starting at around 50,000 miles.


Finally, there is the computer that records the desired speed, controls the vacuum level to the diaphragm and monitors the Ford's speed. It is possible to check the wiring and connections to the computer unit to make sure all is in proper working order. Often the most serious of issues can be repaired by reconnecting a lose wire or computer cable. Checking any computer system for malfunction involves diagnostic tools usually not available to a home mechanic. The good news, though, is when all the other possible failure points (fuse, controls and mechanical) are eliminated, the remaining component, the computer, is probably the source of the problem.