Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Laws and regulations About No Trespassing Signs In Pennsylvania

Hunters and hikers oftentimes encounter posted land and should care for away.

Many rural landowners advise "no trespassing" signs on their Belongings to deal in away unauthorized hunters, campers and hikers. Obviously, signs Testament not physically grasp trespassers off a man's Belongings, nevertheless such signs can discourage would-be trespassers, expressly when there is no other communication of a Belongings limit such as fences or Belongings makers. There are no records on the figure or acreage of posted land in Pennsylvania, however approximately 80 percent of land in the territory is privately owned.

Trespassing in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania crook code makes distinctions among four altered types of trespassing. Under Pennsylvania regulation, police can charge a human race for not difficult trespass, crook trespass, defiant trespass and agricultural trespass. A adult could face multiple charges for a unmarried trouble and a probation or plea Treaty Testament hereafter impel the Ending charge for which a mortal Testament be sentenced. In common, the Pennsylvania enactment defines trespass as deliberately entering and remaining on another person's property without permission.

Specific Statutes

Criminal trespass, which carries the heaviest penalties, only applies to breaking into physical buildings. Defiant trespass applies in any case where a property owner has communicated to a person that he does not have permission to be on the land or in a building. Simple trespass applies in cases where a person enters a building or property for the purpose of threatening another person, starting a fire or defacing the property. Agricultural trespass only applies to farm land and does not apply to abandoned buildings on agricultural land. Pennsylvania sets the statute of limitations on trespassing at two years.

Notice of Private Property

"No trespassing" signs legally communicate the owner's desire not To possess other people on the property. The Pennsylvania code specifically states that signs, "reasonably likely to come to the attention of intruders," constitute actual communication or that desire. Police can grade those offenses as summary or misdemeanor charges.


State and any local police have jurisdiction to enforce criminal trespass laws and file charges with the local magisterial district judge. Landowners typically worry most about trespassers during hunting season when many hunters enter the woods in search of deer, bear and other game.

As a result, anyone simply entering posted property can be charged with a misdemeanor charge of defiant trespass if caught.

Sign Theft

Pennsylvania statues do not directly address removing "no trespassing" signs, but anyone defacing or removing such signs can face charges of criminal mischief and theft.

Pennsylvania Game Commission officers do not have the authority to enforce trespassing laws, but will assist police in investigating allegations. The Game Commission suggests landowners who witness trespassing to receive any hunting license or license plate numbers and contact police.