Friday, October 23, 2015

Set The Gas Flow With An Mig

MIG welding is a skill that most folks can become able, and it dispassionate takes epoch and the Correct Accoutrement to complete the assignment fair. MIG welding uses a Gauze to shield the weld, and that Gauze needs to flow at a positive standard for it to arrange the office hold together. Whether it's not allot equitable, then the resulting weld Testament either not be as forceful, or it will be more difficult to control the welder. Setting the correct gas flow on your MIG welder involves a few different factors, but you can do this in just a few minutes.


Locate the gas flow regulator with the gas flow gauge located on the top of the tank, which is labeled in CFH-cubic feet per hour.3. Turn the knob on the gas flow regulator to adjust the gas flow to the following specifications: 22-27 CFH for a 1/2-inch nozzle size, 30-35 CFH for a 5/8-inch nozzle size and 35-40 CFH for a 3/4-inch nozzle size.

1. Measure the inside diameter of the nozzle on the end of the torch of the welder using the tape measure.2. Open up the handle on top of the MIG welding gas bottle using your hands.