Thursday, October 15, 2015

Aluminum Boat Painting Tips

Aluminium boats are besides difficile to distemper. Most marine shops and commercial picture companies go next strict guidelines, including lenghty preparation, before illustration. To receive the top dye duty viable, capture your aluminium boat to a finished. Whether you wish to shakedown to whitewash it yourself, a meagre tips may benefit you consummate a exceptional Stop.


You Testament exigency industrial-grade stain and primer. You Testament extremely longing 120-grit sandpaper, a dual-action sander, liquid dish soap, flood and a Rugged sponge To cleanse the aluminium before depiciton it.

Utilize acid-etch wash primer after washing the surface.


Once the acid wash primer is dry, apply two thin coats of the two-component epoxy primer. Allow each coat an hour to dry, then spray three thin coats of two-component polyurethane topcoat paint onto the aluminum. Allow each coat a few minutes to dry before applying the next. Allow the paint to dry for a full day before handling the boat.

Protect your eyes with safety goggles, your hands with thick gloves and your clothes and body with painter's coveralls. The chemicals used for painting and preparing aluminum are highly toxic.


Sand the areas of the boat that will be painted. If there are areas that won't be painted, use masking tape and paper to protect them. Sand the surface of the boat with 120-grit sandpaper and a dual-action sander. Make sure to sand the boat until the surface is smooth and appears dull. Areas that are left shiny or glossy will not hold paint or primer. Wash the sanded area with liquid dish soap and water to remove any residue or oils from chemicals or your hands. Rinse the boat and allow it to dry.

Spray a thin coat of acid-etch wash primer directly to the cleaned aluminum to prepare it for paint. The acid wash primer etches into the metal and sticks very well to the surface, which allows the epoxy primer to stick. Carefully follow the manufacturer's directions on the package. If you don't understand them completely, call the manufacturer and speak to a paint technician.

Marine grade two-component epoxy primer is needed to prepare the surface for dye. Two-component polyurethane topcoat paint is used with an high-volume, low-pressure (HVLP) spray gun to cover the surface.From start to finish, you must wear protective clothing and gear.